When Is Worship?
8:00AM – Sunday Worship
9:15AM – Sunday School & Adult Bible Class
10:30AM – Worship
Worship at Living Word is held every Sunday at 8:00am and 10:30am. During special times of here year we have additional services. These special services typically are held during the Christmas and Easter seasons. It’s important to note that during the summer months (June-August) our 10:30am service is held outside around our worship pavilion. This is a great time to bring a lawn chair or blanket and enjoy worship in the great outdoors! If weather is not conducive to outdoor worship, we will move inside. We also have Sunday School and Adult Bible class weekly at 9:15am. These are age specific classes where we dig into the truths of God’s story and find application to our daily lives.
What’s A Service Like?
Worship at Living Word has two faces. We switch back and forth every week between two types of worship. The historic liturgy, or traditional service anchors us to the traditions of the past. It’s rich with meaning and filled with significance. This style of worship uses the hymnal and organ throughout. The second type is what we call the praise service. On these Sundays, we worship in a more contemporary or praise style. The songs are more modern, and the responsive readings are based on the bible verses for that Sunday.

What About The Music?
The music of our worship has two faces that match the different worship styles. On those traditional Sundays when we worship using the historic liturgy, we also use the hymns of the church. These are played on the organ. They are rich, beautiful and provide consistency to who we are and what we do. On praise Sundays we typically will use songs that you can hear on the local Christian radio station. These songs also are rich in their message but often have a little stronger sound. Praise Sundays are accompanied by piano, guitar and sometimes drums. We also have song leaders to help lead us in worship.
How Do People Dress?
We all know the feeling. You walk into a room and you’re the only one not in a suit! No one wants to stand out! That’s one of the great things about worship at Living Word. When you join us you’ll find some in jeans and t-shirts, some in suits or nice dresses, and still others dressed in casual wear. Really it’s not about the clothes. It’s about the heart. We just want you to be comfortable and receive all that God has to offer. We do generally hold worship outdoors throughout the summer months, so come dressed for the weather, and bring a camp chair!
Can I Take Communion?
We celebrate communion every Sunday. And right before communion, Pastor Derrick explains what it means. The long and short is: we believe that the bread and wine are the body and blood of Jesus. It’s this body and blood that was given and shed for us on the cross. It was given to forgive us our sins. So if you believe that the body and blood of Jesus are really there, that you need the forgiveness that he offers, and you’ve been taught and understand what it’s all about – then welcome! If you aren’t sure or don’t agree with something here, then we’d suggest contacting Pastor Derrick via email (pastord@livingwordgalena.com). He would love to answer your questions!
How Do I Find Living Word?
You can always call the church office. Our number is 740-965-3335. Feel free to email us at info@livingwordgalena.com.