Meet The Team
Pastor Derrick
Pastor Derrick started at Living Word at the beginning of the 2013. His wife, Carrie, along with their three children: Matthew, Lucas, and Natalie have loved being a part of the family here at Living Word.
Derrick has been a pastor since June of 2002. He has a real heart for meeting new people and growing God’s family.
Pastor Derrick says the most frequently question he gets asked is “why did you become a pastor?” For him the answer is an easy one – “I’ve never wanted to do much else, and believe me, I’ve tried other careers. I’ve sold cars, worked landscaping, cooked in restaurants, and other odd jobs around; but nothing has ever been my passion like leading people into a deeper relationship with Jesus. I’m truly excited to see what God has in store for us here at Living Word.”
If you’d like to chat with Pastor Derrick, have questions about Living Word, or want to know more about our mission Living God’s Story, Following Christ Together – just give him a call on his cell 937-209-0321 or send him an email at
Michael Johnson
Director of Discipleship
Michael Johnson is the Director of Discipleship at Living Word. He attended the Association Free Lutheran Theological Seminary and was ordained in 2010. After serving as senior pastor in three parishes in Minnesota and Ohio, he and his family began attending Living Word in December 2022 with Michael beginning ministry here in 2024. Michael is currently working with the leadership of Living Word and the Ohio District to have his ordination in the Association of Free Lutheran Churches recognized in the Luthern Church Missouri Synod. He and his wife, Gracia, are blessed with a son, Andrew, and two daughters, Maggie and Sadie.
Michael is passionate about getting to know others, helping them get plugged in to ministry and guiding them into deeper relationships with Christ. One of his favorite passages of Scripture is John 3:14-15 where Jesus invites everyone to look to Himself and be saved.
To learn more about discipleship ministries at Living Word or simply to chat with Michael, email him at michael@livingwordgalena.
Bailey Bale
Administrative Assistant
Bailey Bale serves as the Administrative Assistant at Living Word, and grew up worshiping here with her family. Bailey and her husband Caleb have enjoyed serving at Living Word in various ways long before Bailey officially joined the team in January of 2021. They also welcomed their first child, Oliver, in June of 2023.
Bailey has never minded the tasks that some might consider “mundane” and “tedious,” and actually finds them fun. For example, she could sometimes be found organizing the books on her book shelf by size, color, and order she had read them while she was growing up. She enjoys the background work of what goes on at Living Word and is just happy to be serving her church family.
Any general questions, comments and concerns you may have can go straight to Bailey at She’ll be sure to get you an answer or point you in the right direction.