
Serve the Lord Serve Others Serve Your Neighbors Serve Your Friends Serve Your Family Serve Those in Need Serve the Church Serve Children Serve Adults Serve Prisoners

For Others

Service is a huge part of being a follower of Jesus. We’re called to make disciples, and disciples are people being transformed into the image of Christ for the sake of others. It’s that whole for the sake of others piece that really shapes our serving nature at Living Word. Serving looks different for everyone, so there are a multitude of ways to get connected and serve!

A man cooking breakfast food.

Internal Service

Which of these best meet your skills, talents and available time?

  • Property Support – lightbulbs, lawn mowing, painting, shoveling, landscaping.
  • Hospitality Time – help provide meals, keep the kitchen clean and organized, setup and tear down for events, sending cards through our card ministry, and much more.
  • Worship assistants – handing out bulletins, greeting everyone who enters the building, reading for worship, running audio and visual, singing in praise teams or choir, just about anything you can think of that helps Sunday morning happen.
  • Counters – all offerings need to be counted and recorded by volunteers each week. If you can count to 10 then you are able to help in this ministry!
  • Small Group Leaders – We’re always looking to enhance our small group ministry. If you are interested in being part of, or leading a small group let Pastor Derrick know and we’ll get you trained and resourced.
  • Kairos – a couple times a year we fire up our ovens and make ridiculous amounts of cookies for a prison ministry. If you can make cookies and aren’t sure about being in front of people, this is a great way to plug in!
  • Other? Have an interest or passion in an area not listed? There are plenty of other places to serve. Our goal is that everyone finds a place to plug in! Just let us know and we’ll work together to find the best place for you to connect.

Care Ministry

Providing spiritual care in times of need, the care ministry exists to be a source of hope and comfort to people going through a rough time. This ministry exists for members and non members of Living Word. We believe that we are the hands and feet of Jesus today. This ministry exists to help those struggling with life’s difficult moments find relief and know they are loved.

Some of the ways the care ministry serves in times of need are:

  • Face-to-Face Connections – we try very hard to make personal connections with people in times of need. Much of the care needed is due to loneliness or illness. Having someone sit with you when you’re struggling is very comforting.
  • Phone a Friend – Not everyone can make a face-to-face visit. In those times a quick call, text, or even email is better than nothing.
  • Comfort and Cleaning – When a person comes home from the hospital or is still managing through the pain of a loss, the CareTeam steps in to take some of the load by helping with daily things like cooking meals and even lending a hand to keep the house clean.
  • Prayer and Presence – Our CareTeam is trained to bring the love and comfort of Jesus to those in times of need. Everyone who serves on the CareTeam is ready and willing to offer the encouragement of scripture and a prayer to those hurting and in need.