Children & Youth


Our children’s ministry at Living Word is called KidConnect, and it’s all about connecting kids to the truths of God’s word. We know that kids of different ages will need different learning styles and activities which is why inside KidConnect we have a few focused groups. Each of these groups is designed to help children in varying life stages to connect with the truths of God’s word in ways they can understand.

Littles Connect targets those beginning years when parents are scratching their heads, wondering can I really do this? Well the short answer is You absolutely can do this! Our Littles Connect ministry contains tools, resources, tips, games and fun activities to help you raise your child from birth to about 4 years old. Join us for one of our Littles Connect activities to gain fresh insights in this stage of your child’s life!


KidConnect then picks up at age 5 and will carry you and your child through the 5th grade. We know this is a huge age span but KidConnect takes into account the age differences and learning styles! Our KidConnect ministry has some great resources and activities for your children! Plus as an added bonus we’ve put together KidConnect Worship! This is a fun and relatively new approach we’ve developed to help kids better connect in worship!


Junior High can be a difficult experience! In Juniors Connect we spend time build foundations for relationships that will last through these challenging years. Through the year we’ll get to know each other through fun activities and games! We’ll spend time learning new truths from the Bible! And we’ll even go out on some exciting outings!


As our young people grow and everything around them changes, The Connection is where things stay the same. The relationships forged in Juniors Connect move with them. The truths they gleaned from the Bible studies and the friendships that they have established will be the connections that will take them into High School and on through College as they move into the next stage of their lives.



Contact Pastor Derrick with questions.
