A Lutheran Church Missouri Synod in
Galena, Ohio
7539 Dustin Rd.
Galena, Ohio 43021
8:00 AM - Worship
9:15 AM - Sunday School + Bible Class
10:30 AM - Worship
Living God's Story Following Christ Together Living God's Story Following Christ Together Living God's Story Following Christ Together Living God's Story Following Christ Together Living God's Story
Connecting with Jesus' promises for our lives.
We believe life is a story that is constantly unfolding. At Living Word, it is our prayer that through worship you are able to see how God's story overlaps your story, and that you connect with those God has living this story with you.

Recent Message
Like any good story, the characters develop over time. Growing in our relationships with Jesus and each other is how God develops our character.
Our children's ministry is all about connecting kids to the truths of God's Word in varying life stages as they learn to live life together.
Bible Class
Together, we learn basic truths of the Bible, see the world through the lens of the cross and build confidence in sharing who Jesus is with people where we live, work, and play.
Small Group
These gatherings are sprinkled around different geographic areas. Some of these are more formal, while others are very informal. All of them seek to grow in Christ and community.
Living God's Story Following Christ Together Living God's Story Following Christ Together Living God's Story Following Christ Together Living God's Story Following Christ Together Living God's Story Following Christ Together Living God's Story Following Christ Together Living God's
Living God's Story Following Christ Together Living God's Story Following

Being the hands and feet of Jesus where we live, work and play.
We're called to make disciples, and disciples are people being transformed into the image of Christ for the sake of others
The point of all we do is to live the story of God's love in real and tangible ways. This story didn't start with us and it doesn't end here either. For whom does the church exist? Yep you guessed it – you!